Idaho I-86 Mile 19 (East) Rest Stop
This page provides details on the amenities offered at the Coldwater Hill Rest Area, on I-86 at mile marker 19 eastbound, near American Falls, Idaho. You'll also find directions to the rest area and information about nearby rest stops. Additionally, we've included a list of gas stations situated close to the Coldwater Hill Rest Area.
Amenities at the Coldwater Hill Rest Area
The Coldwater Hill Rest Area, located along I-86, offers a range of amenities for travelers seeking a convenient rest stop.
Available amenities include restrooms available on location, pay phones for making calls, picnic tables for enjoying meals, a pet exercise area, accessible amenities for those with disabilities, and vending services for food and drinks.
You'll find more detailed information about these amenities in the table below:
Restrooms | Yes |
Phones | Yes |
Picnic Tables | Yes |
Pet Exercise Area | Yes |
Accessible Facilities | Yes |
Family Restrooms | No |
Vending Machines | Yes |
Wifi | No |
Gas Station | No |
Food Service | No |
Scenic View | No |
Tourist Information | No |
RV Dump Station | No |
Phone Number | - |
Notes | - |
Coldwater Hill Rest Area Driving Directions
Use the links below to jump to your favorite GPS app and navigate to Coldwater Hill Rest Area:
For alternative GPS devices and apps use the following coordinates:
Latitude: 42.613846, Longitude: -113.145688
The map below displays the location of the Coldwater Hill Rest Area. Please adjust the map view by using the zoom controls in the top left corner:
Rest Areas Nearby Coldwater Hill Rest Area
In the section below, you'll find a list of 17 rest areas within a 97-mile radius of the Coldwater Hill Rest Area Idaho. If you're searching for gas stations, those are provided in the next section.
Name | State | Interstate | Direction | Distance (mi.) |
Massacre Rocks Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 86 | West | 11.1 |
Cotterell Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 84 | West | 15.3 |
Cotterell Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 84 | East | 15.4 |
Juniper Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 84 | East | 39.1 |
Juniper Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 84 | West | 39.4 |
Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 15 | - | 47.8 |
Malad Summit Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 15 | South | 50.2 |
Cherry Creek Rest Area & Welcome Center | Idaho | Interstate 15 | North | 59.3 |
North Blackfoot Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 15 | North | 65.1 |
North Blackfoot Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 15 | South | 65.1 |
Junction US-93 Rest Area | Idaho | Interstate 84 | East | 67.5 |
Brigham Welcome Center | Utah | Interstate 15 , Interstate 84 | East | 91.8 |
Brigham Welcome Center | Utah | Interstate 15 , Interstate 84 | South | 91.8 |
Turnout | Idaho | Interstate 15 | North | 96.1 |
Turnout | Idaho | Interstate 15 | South | 96.1 |
Perry Rest Area | Utah | Interstate 15 , Interstate 84 | North | 97.1 |
Perry Rest Area | Utah | Interstate 15 , Interstate 84 | West | 97.1 |
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Did you find any missing or incorrect data? Or maybe you have comments or additional information about Coldwater Hill Rest Area? Please let us know. We review all submissions weekly to provide the most accurate data possible about rest stops along US highways and interstates. Keep in mind that this information is gathered from third-party sources and user submissions, and is provided solely for informational purposes on an "as is" basis. We do not guarantee or make any assurances regarding the accuracy or reliability of this information.